My passion for LAVINIA began just over 7 years ago.
In 2024 I made the decision, with Lavinia’s blessing, to sell just Lavinia stamps and products.
To my knowledge, we are the only truly Lavinia-based store in Australia.
Ink Art Designs is proud to be selling soley Lavinia products here in Australia.
We have a huge range of Lavinia stamps along with a wide selection of products including inks, paints, sprays and glitter.
If it is a Lavinia product, then you’ll be able to find it right here. And if not, I’m happy to get stock in for you as I’m ordering from Lavinia quite often.
Everything that you need to make your cards, or work in your art journals, can be found through the Lavinia brand. And anything that is the Lavinia brand can be sourced through Ink Art Designs.
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